Mitgliedschaften (vergangene und gegenwärtige)
- Order of Canada (Officer)
- Sigma Xi
- Leopoldina –German National Academy of Science
- Royal Society of Canada
- Acatech – German National Academy of Science and Technology
- Euroscience
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- European Geosciences Union
- Japanese Geosciences Union
- Geological Society of America
- Academia Europaea (elected member, Chair of Earth and Cosmic Sciences, Board member)
- Mineralogical Society of America (Life Fellow, MSA Award, Distinguished Lecturer)
- Mineralogical Association of Canada
- European Association for Geochemistry
- Geochemical Society
- Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft
- Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft
- American Geophysical Union (Fellow)
- American Ceramic Society
- Geological Association of Canada (Fellow)
- International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth´s Interior
Stand: November 2020