Experimental Volcanology
Study volcanism in Munich? There are four experimental volcanoes to study the phenomena of explosive volcanism at the department. The laboratories of experimental volcanism at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich provide unique opportunities to study the physics of mechanisms that are beyond direct access. Experiments are designed to analyze the behavior of magma under conditions as close to nature as possible. Here experiments meet physical volcanism and numerical modeling. International projects and cooperation are the basis of our success.
The equipment comprises
- 4 high temperature shock tubes
- 2 internally heated high pressure autoclaves
- 1 laser particle sizer (Coulter Beckmann)
- 1 He pycnometry (Micromeritics)
- 1 Nitrogen sorption (Micromeritics)
- 1 vacuum furnace
- 1 vacuum rotation extraction, video equipment
- 1 high speed video system
Our research
- Mechanisms of magma fragmentation
- Speed of magma fragmentation
- Fragmentation energy
- Influence of permeability
Volcanoes under examination
- Mt. St. Helens, Augustine (USA)
- Krakatau, Kelut, Merapi (Indonesia)
- Unzen (Japan)
- Shiveluch, Bezymiany (Russia)
- Etna, Vesuv, Stromboly, Campi Flegrei (Italy)
- Colima (Mexico)
- Santorini (Greece)